Thank you. I am surprised that people claiming that they are heirs without legal support can give the will writer a hard time making ones inheritance. He is selling the house and i told him he couldnt, he told me i thought i was getting nothing but its all mine and there is nothing you can do, im so upset. The emotional toll and effects are devastating on our everyday lives.. My sister died in another state from where I live and I just discovered that people with her same last name is the Administrator and Petitioner. Over the last 12 years over 30 lawyers have refused to take my case and in the last 3 years ive spent my entire life savings of over $6,000.00 and still have not had not 1day in court . In general, attorneys ask for a flat fee to prepare your estate plan, rather than charging you on an hourly basis. and im his daughter shes his sister no more people in this but me and her i live in louisiana she lives in texas her whole life. ago the daughter was a drug abuser had a child while under drugs and the child is autistic , the reason the daughter died I was told was blood clot! My mothers two twin sisters either changed my grandmothers will that her and my grandfather had that was just alike. Home; Practice Areas. Unfortunately, when she passed her attorney acted as if he knew nothing of the will, and he tried to keep me from attending the funeral, even though was listed on the funeral fund! Didnt realize the whole time being duped. My family and I will be fighting for law reform when this is over so others wont have to go through this. He said he paid off his house many years ago, had a good pension as a law enforcement officer with the county, was an army veteran, received social security, and even rented out some of his bedrooms. She was never a very social person and she became more withdrawn after his death. Finding an attorney willing to help them fight for what little their dad had left ie family photos , old family belonging their grandparents estate etc has been even worse of a dilemma. They same thing worse in gods name. I ended up with so little that I basically gave it away. I got a POA, and became her Health POA also. Go to your prospective attorneys website and see what they claim to specialize in, Ross says. Shady??? 3 siblings filed suit challenging the will and against the 1 sibling who received 80%. I cant afford a paid Atty. Help I really need it before I lose my mind. Both heirs were sued for cashing Ernest $ ck. Says he wants to set the man share aside for him to come up other proof. They may get married as soon as Monday. Thankfully my Dad had the foresight to make me executor and named on all of his financial accounts. Is it too late for us to stop this? What type of lawyer would we need to try and at least recoup some $10,000 that she told him was cost of his dads celebration of life? Am I liable for this!?? It may be too late for own family, but if we can help others in the future. Am I entitled to anything years later? She has inherited money and there are no children or other claimants, just me. Never did it get me anything but the step brother who fought me got a order charging me 13,000. for the harassment of me requesting, my rights. She got angry and stole a cd in my name, and then when she passed her son lied and tried to take my inhertance and credit union thru in interpleader i n court. A wolf in sheeps clothing. My daughter is my power of attorney and has been for years. His will specifically left his hose and property in New York to his 3 kids. When dad fell terminally ill, my brother emptied out the accounts (several hundred thousand dollars). He had already taken his wallet with the bank card while he was in the hospital two weeks prior. Thanks for the great tip that one should find a trustworthy spouse, a close friend, or family member to be a wills executor. Inheritance theft can take many forms, ranging from manipulating the persons wishes while theyre still alive, to theft and embezzlement that occurs after the death. Now we have no information about the papers of those assets. She eventually hurt herself and had to move into the nursing home. What can I do to stop them from taking possession of the property? In the simplest terms,a trustis a financial agreement among three parties: the grantor, who creates and funds the trust; the beneficiary, who receives the assets from the trust; and the trustee, who has a fiduciary duty to responsibly manage the assets in the trust. He weakly tried to blame it on our dads girlfriend, claiming that she needed a new laptop and some other miscellaneous small stuff. My cousin is the trustee over my grandfathers inheritance fund I believe he has been harassing me for more than 3 years now in hopes that I kill myself so that the funds will be deemed back to him and his family what do I do and who do I contact. My stepmom is the executor of the Estate. She had no right to keep, give away or sell his property. My son does not own any thing , does not have any money , I help him with his expenses , when he needed. Mom isnt verl allowed to read anything but sister forces signatures on everything in one day. My brother was favored, though, as a son, since we were young, even though he has a pattern of stealing and being accused of stealing, although he was never caught. I now live on my ss and am very afraid of my son in law. Since also has sister that was never married & a brother that is married with kids . It seems they are using it for themselves and refusing to give me money to get out of an area that is holding us in a hostage situation. So please make this clear for me that does my Ex,s sister is entitle to any thing ? Told me to help with rummage sale ..when I got there.. they said who called t you to help go back home! 2 women came from the church and over months had her tell me she was moving into one womans house so she could keep her dogs. it seems very strange. My siblings stated my mom, signed my name, to show I received the monies. Cant give to charity. Since my mom went blind, my sister spent over forty thousand dollars of my moms money. I am supposed to inherit the investment accounts and bank account which were about the as much as his gorgeous house on the water, my sister gets the house and land. My dads girlfriend isnt at all listed in the trust. Problem over. This past April has been 3 years since my mothers passing. I moved home to MS. My aunt and I discussed what her wishes were. fc-falcon">Awasome Need Contingency Attorney For Inheritance Theft Ideas. My brother is now baptized, and has not drinker in almost 3years. Im having trouble with this and I thought I could have done this myself. Per capita, or maybe non-per stirpes (not sure on the legal term) is just the opposite. This nieces mother could not fly home or did not want to but she was not hated and I was told if aunty stops by we will shoot her I just found out this comment and hurt is not a big enough word ? One of the important choices you will have to make when drawing up your will is who will act as your executor. Thank You! I wish someone would give me a polygraph. Not all lawyers will take contingency cases because they require an attorney to do a significant amount of work without payat least for an extended period. With some letter appearing have nowhere since 2003 and nobody being informed of changes. No autopsy on my great-grandmother.who I am more than 90% sure was murdered by uncles wifeuncle was executor, they lived with my grandmother. where my mother and judge can talk about how everything is to be divided up. The standard contingency fee for an attorney is a percentage amount rather than a fixed amount. Ive no issue with the youngest considering him to be entitled to reparations for the abuse he was subjected to. FILE TO THE IRS, My sister has taken my inheritance and car while I was in the hospital. Our cousins still live near by. It is not my first time to visit this website, i am visiting this web site daily and obtain pleasant information from here everyday. she has had full control of the bank accounts of over 200,000 and stocks over 1,000,000,00 dollars. My problem is my husband is too generous with his sister and she has taken advantage of him financially before. I found the list of moneys and my dad said thast was mine , im not sure as maricopa county denied me accounting as they stasted i wasnt step daughter. My friend took out a Ad&d policy and 2 years later she fell. Person in my city elected city official trusted by many never work a day in his life..i always wondered how he made a living n had so much money. Long story short, there was no other persons to handle their funded trust except a vengeful niece believing as Patsy Fey Baker that they are controlled by god, stole hundreds of thousands of dollars through fraud and lies and eventual death of my aunt and uncle, stealing the money placed in a trust as trustees. Then police took detective lied, then gave to another juridiction to Lapd, and presently im still waiting never heared anything back. I tried to get Mom to have both trustees have to sign check and agree with movement of assets. I was not notified of his death till a week ago. From what I understand, if an heir who is not a trustee is disputing the trust, they must pay out of pocket or their attorney should arrange a contingency plan. If anyone could assist me.. My dad ex-Marine ( USA)) retired. Most personal injury lawyers charge 33 1/3 percent if the case settles without filing a lawsuit and 40% if a lawsuit is filed. Wonder if caregiver and other uncle know what he did. Or another authority figure. My aunt was devastated with the loss of her husband and our uncle. The accounting should be in writing, and should provide supporting papers such as receipts or cancelled checks. My dad was done an incredible mis service by his attorney when he wrote up his will by not informing him of something known a elective share. He set up a family friend, about 10 years older than me, to be executor of his estate. Other two heirs knew nothing of these shenanigans. 2. Sometimes maybe a bill. Can he get any share of the money, You literally could not have said it better bro so I had a trustee of a state that he made my grandmother sign when she was in Florida without me at like 97 years old and listed and listed $34000 for the fees in the sale of the house that we only sold her 50 after he 1st of all falsified legal documents and the documents and his documents were just absolutely absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolutely absurd like he needs to learn how to make fake stuff vision and try it but I dont understand how no one will pick up a case even the bar association wont deal with it I dont know what to do . When he passed my uncles wife called me and said he died and I layer found out the called me 1 hr after funeral just so no one would go to his funeral my uncle had serious daddy issues. Also, I didnt receive a copy of the will. Your attorney should look at ways your heirs or family members could exploit vague language or legal loopholes. She then no effected to tell me mom had two policies. My Biological mother passed 5/6/20. No warning, no birth record!. I was able, eventually, to get control of the estate. I just looked up my mothers obituary bc I didnt remember the actual day & date of her service. She has also claimed not to have any knowledge of items that later were produced after her being pressured, others she claims she never found. Creating a trust for your assets can be an excellent way to make sure that money is available for beneficiaries unable to handle money on their ownsuch as minor children. To protect my rights! Misappropriating trust assets. Shes going to get a new one. Wow! In 2016 June 30 my trust funds were stould.the sec stold my propety.endevert along with DTC,I wont my propety back I field complains ,to police and sec and government tresery places part in this so does FDIC,BUT THE SEC,THAY STOLD LIED MISLED CHETED ME OUT MY FUNDS FOR THE BANKING THEVES get my money back the Mellon accounts now,mjrdelao. What are the rights of the remaining 4 siblings. She helped me by giving me money for a down payment on a house. Jan 20 2022 executor sent me a copy. I never dreamed this would happen me and her were very close too before he passed away then one week later she stated moving her family into the house I had to save from foreclose due to her not paying one bill. I didnt know it at the time that they were victims of home invasion, by the time I found. The whole thing is underhanded and wrong to say the least. Her daughter (my aunt) is a trustee I believe. Good luck. My gma is still alive she has a will. We have no idea of what to do because of course this is the first time seeing this and not knowing of how the law is. This new will completely different then their wishes. His dad, my grandpa passed away a couple of years before my dad did so it is just my elderly grandma. As well as others. I research. How do I prevent the sibling handling her estate from merely excluding me from the estates disbursements? No one can string two intelligent words together in these comments so it extremely difficult not to imagine crazy ranting in these comments. EVERYTHING EVERYONE POST HAS HAPPENED TO ME AS WELL AND I FEEL YOULL PAIN AND LOSS. He is also in Florida and is the POA/Guardian of she and her Estate. I hope this all works out for you. ("AV Preeminent is a significant rating accomplishment- a testament to the fact that a lawyer's peers rank him or her at the highest level of professional excellence . He inherited a great deal of property and money from my grandparents and great grandparents. Appoint two executors to your estate. Because,my youngest brother is listed as the only living child, when in fact there are 5 of US!! I really dont have the money to financially go to court or get a solicitor over this unfortunately :(( my step dad said if you are mean to youre older sister in anyway just remember who is dealing with the money after Im gone now Ive never been mean to my older sister I just want to see what the will actually states as Ive yet to see it, also they left me and my twin out of being involved in our mums funeral we were just people showing up and sitting there :(( while my older sister stood up with her children to sing (although she was a daddys girl) so me and my twin who is the mum of my niece feel we dont have a say at all in the will and also are it seems being kept in the dark to what we actually come into :(( and of course if we actually also get the full amount, my niece should get 30 thousand, me and my twin each apparently will get one hundred thousand each, but sadly I dont think were going to see that amount :((. If the case . They are baiting a friend of mine into changing her will and they are having or shall I say paying a psychiatrist to evaluate her and say she can change her will. The signatures and dates are questionable. And I will lose my wife and family to. Rip, Well it wasnt my mom but my grandma and my aunt. Gotta be a lifetime movie on this ridiculousness!!! None of them called us to make her aware she was in the hospital or a nursing home. He is still residing in the home as this is where he has lived for over ten years. Theaverage flat feefor a relatively simple estate plan is about $1,000-$1,200, although costs can range much higher for larger and more complex estates. Because this whole page says 911 ALL OVER IT!!! When her grandparents passed away, her father and uncle assumed the rolls of the grand parents. We just lost my father and have been trying to get all my moms paperwork in order concerning how she wants her will be look now. No oversight ever done. I am blind in one eye as well as face blind (Prosopagnosia) and have always had auditory discrimination & processing issues.. I need to find closure and see is what my aunt and others have told me will come to pass or not. Sincerely, I made a mistake not getting lawyer. Dont expect anything, but uncle is already very wealthy. Know how to help her my self my uncle buying and spending the ?hundreds of thousands of dollars and not giving her anything can u plz help her. My stepmother forged my dads signature on multiple trusts. Texas Contingent Probate Lawyer, Jason Coomer, represents heirs, family members, and beneficiaries that need to collect probate assets, death benefits, and other inheritance. I can relate to a lot of people on here, Im curious to know if anyone got the answers theyre looking for? I know she cant put me out, but what can I do I was thinking about may a police report, but when I tell them all thats going on and show ownership, they will make her leave. Help!!! My son is single right now & was never married his girlfriend even though they have 2 son,s . Its a shame and I have vowed to see to their original wishes if it takes me entire life. They bill thousands of dollars on a monthly basiswithout an end in sight. Would I need to do that through the court? Need info on your own credit report? Well this is sounds even crazier: 2020 you get application for a life insurance policy from company you never have contacted but then you see a bank product that you have been in contact recently. My dad had told me that he put me on the bank account also but brother said I was not on their. A week after his death she transferred the home into her name and TOD to he own son at her death. My parents got divorced and my father remarried so when my grandmother passed away my father took care of things. In trust and estate related contingency fee arrangements, the attorney agrees to accept a fixed percentage (often 40%) of the total recovery. Good luck. Its illegal behavior from these people who needd to be arrested. Now were fighting her. Unfortunately my uncle passed away and when my grandmother ask her daughter in law (We will call her, Aunt Thief) for the money to pass it out to the family. I wish there was real help out there for all of us . her mother died in Santa Clara county shes in ventura county where should she begin to find out if hes still her trustee her uncle said he wasnt anymore her trustee a couple of years shes not in contact with him and now her taxes have shown up and are due she doesnt even know whats on the deed to her condo that he had bought for her even though he totally just tricked her into moving into the place its been 9 yrs since moving in. My brother got the house the car the shed and about 1/2 the items inside because I couldnt get them all in time before he evicted me. Even without direct access to funds, unscrupulous family members can use other methods to get a piece of an estate. Ive bookmarked your site, and Im adding your RSS feeds to my Google account. He works with clients throughout the World to transfer Texas real estate and collect Texas probate assets, Texas inheritance, and Texas death benefits. My 2 sisters are in the States. It sounds like a good place to start may be contacting a lawyer. The content displayed is for information only and does not constitute an endorsement by, or represent the view of, The Hartford. All of this is all so BANAL and so expected. Probate fraud and theft of inheritance commonly cause families to lose signficant amounts of wealth. I have a VERY wealthy elderly aunt in another state. The man is in his 80s and was a lawyer for my father and grandfather. I have a friend who is 67 yrs old, as a child her grandparents formed a family corp. And she was named in its formation as a shareholder with 80 shares. I had the known signatures compared to the unknown signatures looked at by a forensic document examiner and deemed 100% that the unknown compared to the known signatures were forged. If you believe you have such a claim in Texas and would like the opportunity to discuss it with a licensed attorney free of charge, call attorney Chris Parvin at (214) 974-8940. PS ; I wish I had asked Father< WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR MONEY ??? Aside from making financial decisions on a persons behalf, they can help rewrite the will too. He owed me 15,000. please write me back im not sure if i didnt understand your comment. My sister moved in to home and was single. In the time that my brother had the bank card he purchased an entire heating and cooling system inside and out for his house and withdrew at least twice a week 800.00 each time for right at 30 days. I just found out she had a brain tumor She died 2016. I have a Caregiver in Sheffield Lakes Ohio doing this very thing with the inheritance my father has left. I cannot even call the doctor to find out how my family member is doing or get rid of caregivers that I think are inappropriate and uncaring. i need help on were do i start. He is now on all of his bank accounts, took his car, saying he is incompetent. Is attorney aware of new will and old will??? When he got there he wanted to pay her less and she would not allow him to change it from $25,000 and took him straight to bank and had him write out the check. Because he didnt mention her specifically in the will she was able to claim disinheritance and claim an elective share. Also, why would she need 5 death certificates and I know from doing my parents you need to provide these to financial institutions usually. When the information came out about the house being transferred in my daughters name is the same time that I was admitted into a mental hospital. If anyone has any suggestions of advice that can stop this please let us know. To be divided equally between(4) heirs. the assets , she is doing well financially & have place of her own . We are brothers/sisters and we live throughout the United States. His dads ashes are in plastic bag and my grandson needs to buy the urn since he is keeping the ashes. So they have excuse for why they are putting her away. It goes from very small to very big, Ross says. Maybe your gma would consider gifting the heirloom to you now rather than waiting. She repeated that our uncle wanted us, my siblings and me to continue the legacy. My brother is the trustee, and Im listed as a beneficiary of only 40 percent. my question is does my friend have any legal rights to contest and he has witnesses to speak on his behalf of what her wishes were before she passed. Any help is so appreciated please, thank you . Greed; a horrible thing, My younger brother and his wife living with my mom,originally the house belonged to my dad,when he passed on without a will my mom put the house in her name,my younger brother then went and put the house in him and his wifes name without consulting the other six siblings,question is can the other siblings challenge the legitimacy of the new title deeds naming him and his wife as owners. Research these companies carefully in searching to settle your future wishes. All flowers were donated from people. Strange situation but NEED HELP BEFORE MY YEAR UP. About 2/3 weeks of the new, will he passed away. The remaining 4 siblings agreed with the suit but did not sign on. In an estate related contingency fee arrangement, the attorney agrees to accept a fixed percentage (often 40%) of the total recovery. She had dementia, so she made my sister power of attorney. keep up the great work! were do i start to get wats rightfully mine. The average heir may experience sticker shock when hearing how much they may have to pay to fight for their inheritance. All of fathers family(now ex wife and her adult children and their own families also live on corp property.) AND GOD ANIT PLEASED. I came home to die with my 2 children abs she came out demanding the hall tree when I died and also took my jewelry box which had thousands worth of gold silver diamonds. Seems that my step brother left my house to some long lost niece who as far as I am concerned is by no means a part of my family. He died in Feb and she was the lone trustee of the trust. She flew him to Oregon and then she pretty much made arrangements for his celebration of life and told my grandson it was $10,000 dollars. Is this separate from a trust? He tells me I am power of attorney as well as my mom but when I ask what he wants he just says, your mom knows. I know my father and he was private with his money. My aunt handled the selling of the house and putting the money in the "trust account" then it was divided to the grandkids, about 40k each. Her 1st husband divorced her. My grandma whos lived her whole life was intimidated by cartel to leave her property. The last will and testament was manipulated some how and he got There was also my aunts wishes that were ignored. We should also step back and acknowledge that Prop 19 and Proposition 13 allow California beneficiaries and heirs to transfer parents property taxes when inheriting property and inheriting property taxes and keep parents property taxes basically forever, establishing a low property tax base through a parent-to-child exclusion. Well after my mother passed exactly three months later my dad passed on 8/6/20. My stepmother is salivating at the mouth since my papa died, shes been praying for his death for 30 years. Have both trustees have to pay to fight for their inheritance.. my dad on. 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